Australian Blackwood

Name Australian Blackwood (Acacia melanoxylon)
Type Hardwood.
Other Names Also known as black wattle.
Sources Grows in New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, and Tasmania.
Appearance Usually straight grained, sometimes with a fiddleback figure, even textured with lustrous appearance. Straw colored sapwood, reddish brown to black heartwood with attractive bands.
Physical Props Heavy and strong with moderate stiffness, shock resistance, and decay resistance. Fairly stable in service. Steam-bends well.
Working Props Works easily with hand and power tools. Reduced cutting angle recommended during planing to prevent chip-out. Turns well. Takes nails and screws well and polishes to an excellent finish.
Uses Used for high-quality furniture, cabinets, paneling, veneering, interior joinery, tool handles, gun stocks, turnery, canes, and billiard tables.