Flowering Dogwood

Name Flowering Dogwood (Cornus florida)
Type Hardwood.
Other Names Also known as arrow wood, cornel, false boxwood, Florida boxwood, boxwood, and bunchberry.
Sources Grows in United States and southern Canada.
Appearance Very compact, interlocked grain with a fine uniform texture. Dark brown heartwood, sometimes streaked with white lines, and wide, creamy white to pinkish sapwood. Most commercially available dogwood composed of sapwood.
Physical Props Very heavy, hard, strong, and shock resistant – one of the strongest and hardest in the United States. Poor decay resistance and dimensional stability.
Working Props Works reasonably well owing to its close grain. Glues easily and finishes to a glossy smoothness. Renowned for staying smooth and intact under continuous wear.
Uses Used for textile weaving shuttles, spools, bobbins, mallet heads, golf club heads, pulleys, levers, tool handles, jeweler’s blocks, skids, sporting goods, and machinery bearings.