White Ash

Name White Ash (Fraxinus americana)
Type Hardwood.
Other Names Also known as American ash, Biltmore ash, and cane ash.
Sources Grows in United States and Canada.
Appearance Generally straight grained with a coarse texture. Pale-brown heartwood and almost white sapwood.
Physical Props Moderately heavy, hard, strong, and tough with moderately high shock resistance, good dimensional stability, and poor decay resistance. Steam-bends very well and is quite elastic.
Working Props Machines fairly well with machine tools although turning and mortising properties are marginal. Glues, screws, and nails satisfactorily. Stains and finishes well, although filling may be required.
Uses Used for furniture, cooperage, baseball bats, boat oars, ladders, chairs, food containers, agricultural implements, tool handles, plywood, and decorative veneer.